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 Restoration Cleanup Service RESTORATION SERVICES
Restoration Cleanup Service
Mike Richards
194 Route 70 Unit 5
Medord, NJ 08055
Phone: (215) 917-3401
Phone: 800-674-8818
"Welcome to Restoration Cleanup Service, your trusted partner in emergency water damage restoration, mold remediation, and fire/smoke odor removal. With five years of dedicated experience, we have proudly served our community with expertise and reliability. Our team is certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC), ensuring we uphold the highest industry standards in every project. From sudden water damage crises to lingering mold issues and stubborn smoke odors, we're here to address all your restoration needs promptly and efficiently. Trust Restoration Cleanup Service to restore your property and peace of mind."

A GOOD tip: "Individuals in need of urgent assistance with water damage cleanup, mold remediation, or fire damage restoration."


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