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Colleen Wiechnik
800 Township Line Road
1st Floor
Yardley, PA 19067
Phone: 610-348-1118
Cell: 610-348-1118
Colleen, a personal trainer certified with the American Council on Exercise (A.C.E.)has 19 years of experience helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. holds specialty credentials in TRX suspension training, Functional Programming for Females and a Barre Above Certification. She is an advocate for healthy moms and healthy families, and believes people are more likely to meet fitness goals and make changes when given motivation, education and support. Her career experience includes working in large gyms in the Philadelphia area, corporate wellness, group exercise instruction, private/small group training, coaching track and field, teaching exercise classes and organizing runs for children.

A GOOD tip: Anyone looking for outdoor small group training and personal training.


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