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 Efficient Electric ELECTRICIAN
Efficient Electric
Mark Gelb
598 Belmont Ave
Southampton, PA 18966
Phone: 2679870476
My name is Mark Gelb. I am a Licensed and Insured Master Electrician and Electrical Contractor. My company is called Efficient Electric. We are based out of Southampton, PA. We service all of Bucks County and surrounding areas. We do residential and commercial projects of all sizes. I am Generac certified. We sell/install back-up generators for homes and businesses. We provide electrical service such as wiring for re-models, new construction, lighting, hot tubs, outlets, 220 volt lines, resolving issues listed in inspection reports and a lot more! A common service that we provide is panel upgrades of all sizes. We also provide 24-HR Emergency Service! We love providing a quality, clean, safe electrical experience that you can trust. You can have confidence that everything will be done properly. I assure our clients that all the electrical work we install is in accordance with the current National Electrical Code. That is the quality you'll receive when you hire a Licensed Master Electrician! Our dedication to providing quality electrical service and developing positive relationships with clients is what sets us apart from other electrical companies.


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