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 Optimal Health Center CHIROPRACTOR
Optimal Health Center
Kathleen Petrucci Owner
301 Oxford Valley Rd Ste #1405
Yardley, PA 19067
Phone: 215-493-4463
Fax: 215-493-1810
At Optimal Health Center our purpose is to inspire and educate others to live a longer healthier life by teaching you how to eat better, move better, think better and sleep better. Our office is located in Yardley in Makefield Executive Quarters. We offer the following services; Chiropractic, Prenatal and Pediatric care, Sports medicine, nutrition consulting, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Graston Technique, Massage Therapy, medacupping, Functional Fitness Training, Pilates, Spinal Decompression, Laser Therapy, the Wellness Score, the 8 Weeks to Wellness program and much more. We are the only chiropractic facility in the area to be offering Digital motion X-rays. We specialize in prenatal care, sports injuries, text neck and wellness care. We want to inspire you to take care of your body because its the only place you have to live in.

A GOOD tip: Anyone who has a spine. :-) Pregnant women-allows us to give them the healthiest pregnancy and delivery. Athletes, Weekend warriors, Maintenance care, Wellness care. Obesity--we offer several programs to help them lose wgt 8ww is one of them People who have computer/desk jobs-- Kids with text neck People who live a sedentary lifestyle that need to move People who inspire to want to learn how to move better and prevent sickness/disease later in life.


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