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 Lauletta Birnbaum LLC ATTORNEY - BUSINESS
Lauletta Birnbaum LLC
Dominic P Marco Jr Member
41 University Drive
Suite 401
Newtown, PA 18940
Phone: 215-278-4161
Cell: 267-994-2251
We are business lawyers serving business people. We strive to provide a solution for the client that is not only consistent with the law, but also with the needs of the business. We provide counseling on matters that face business people on a day-to-day basis, ranging from transactional matters to dispute resolution, including the following areas: business formation, contracts, employment and restrictive covenants, partnerships, limited liability companies, mergers and acquisitions, shareholders' agreements, software licensing and trademarks.

A GOOD tip: A person who is considering opening up their own business and needs guidance on which type of entity is best to use.


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