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 Connected Office Professionals Inc. COPIERS/FAX
Connected Office Professionals Inc.
Logan Feybusch Assistant to the Regional Manager
7355 Easton Road
Pipersville, PA 18947
Phone: 267-905-2012
Cell: 267-905-2012
Fax: 215 766 7097
Connected Office Professionals Inc. is an independent consulting firm uniquely positioned to discuss and offer EVERY output device from EVERY manufacturer. Connected provides direction after analyzIng a firms copier, fax, scan and print usage. We also review all black and full color usage sent to outside sources. Ultimately a cost saving solution is provided to the client featuring the best products and services available in the industry.

A GOOD tip: I am interested in meeting with any firm who utilizes a copier, printer, scanner, or fax system interested in lowering costs and/or increasing office productivity. We also focus on improving the overall quality of the systems they obtain.


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